Our menu is prepared from fresh local food and food certified CEFF- food without unnecessary chemicals. A varied and balanced diet consists of a morning snack, organic lunch, afternoon snack and late snacks. According to the child's needs, we provide special meals such as specific diet, vegetarian and gluten free. We prepare snack ourselves. We prepare the whole day nutrition food that provides children with sufficient energy value, fresh fruits and vegetables is commonplace.
Educational program with emphasis
on child's versatile development
Every child deserves experiences which help him/her to reach healthy and harmonious life. For that reason we include in each day: morning circle, literary activities, singing, dramatic play, art, number and letter recognition, gross motor movements, fine motor skills, science & discovery, our garden

Fun adventure
with extra activities
Every August we prepare for children sleepover in the school with the fun program (sleeping in the tent, treasure hunt, roasting sausages over campfire, popcorn & movie, flashlight fun…). Every six weeks we visit a nearby theater for children. Once a week we have lots of fun in our Satalice sokolovna.
Adaptation program
available according child's needs
Come and stay with your child to help him/her to get to know the new environment. This process is very individual and we do our best to provide a smooth and calm transition in this big change in child’s and parent’s lives.